Why Dharma Design Lab

Hello all to my blog and welcome to my first entry! Exciting news right?

Young woman sitting next to plants in a black jumpsuit looking into the camera

I decided to start this Blog to share more about my personal story and approach so that we can feel each other better. And to share valuable insights and tools that can help you gain clarity on your path.

Today, I want to delve into the importance of branding and design on our environment, inspired by a personal story from my early career.

When I visited my old love Vienna today, I thought about the beginnings of my career in graphic design. I still vividly remember a moment in a job interview. Fresh out of university, I had applied to all the big agencies in my dream city, and out of the 30 agencies I wrote to, only a few responded, if at all. But there it was: I was finally invited to an interview. Yay! So, little Coco went to this interview full of anticipation and nervousness.

The interview was with two young managing directors who seemed friendly. I presented my portfolio—an absurdly large printed collection of my works. (yes, still very old-school, a printed portfolio with my design works that I had to carry to every interview 😂) As the interview progressed, it became clear that the job wasn't the right fit for me. The agency's main client was a cigarette brand, and as a passionate non-smoker, the idea of creating graphics for such a company was Un.im.ag.in.able.

I didn't get the job. And I'm still glad about it today.

We all knew that I didn't fit in, that I would rather do something else and would only be unhappy. Because of this rejection, I actually got the courage to apply to my dream agency. ;)

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the impact we, as designers, have on our environment. Design is a powerful form of communication. Through colors, shapes, typography, and images, we convey messages and evoke emotions long before any text is read. First impressions are formed in milliseconds, and they are hard to change.

Is it expensive, is it sustainable, is it friendly, is it approachable, do we feel like we would like to spend our money here. Design is powerful. Design shapes our world. Who do we want to give a voice to? And who do I want to support with my actions? Certainly not a tobacco company. 👀

Design shapes our world. It influences our perceptions and actions. As designers, we must be mindful of the voices we amplify and the messages we send.

Woman in a white desert looking up to a cloudy sky

I realized I didn't want to support just any brand, especially not those that exploit people or harm the environment. Instead, I wanted to support businesses run by passionate individuals—yoga teachers, organic bakers, tattoo artists, and psychologists—who bring something good into the world.

These people need strong branding to be seen and heard. They need websites, business cards, and other materials to share their stories and visions. This realization led me to establish Dharma Design Lab. "Dharma" means purpose, personal mission or life path, and I wanted to help people with a meaningful mission make a positive impact.

Today, I have the privilege of choosing who I work with, and I am immensely grateful. If you have a business with a purpose and need help with your branding, feel free to reach out.

Together, we can make the world a better, more beautiful place, one design at a time. 🫶

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more insights on the power of design!

💙 Coco